Hello World!

I'm Mårten Åsberg

About Me

Let me introduce myself

I'm a 26 years old guy from Sweden. I like most things about computers; games and programming being my favorites. I am autodidact in Java, web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP), C#, XAML, some minor C++, and Rust (a new favorite of mine). I would absolutely not say I'm the best at all these but I know my way around them.



Mårten Åsberg

Birth Date:


Cygni (Assignment at Volvo Cars)


Wordle in Swedish

This week I've been playing Wordle with my father, but since we're Swedish we've been having some trouble coming up with words. So, I wrote my own version, Ordne, with a Swedish dictionary.

Sunflower Pattern

I need to uniformly distribute a set of dots on a circle, and inspired by Sebastian Lague create a interactive tool for playing with them.

Maze Generation in Rust

For my first project in the programming language Rust, I created a terminal application that generates and animates mazes.

Visit my blog to read about all my projects


Software Engineer at Volvo Cars
On assignment as a consultant from Cygni. I worked at Volvo Cars' Energy Cloud Services.
Summer job at Opera
I was part of the backend team developing GX.games.
Consultant Software Engineer at Cygni
I started in Cygni's "Talent Programme" during my last year at Chalmers.
Summer job at Ericsson
This year I developed an internal debugging tool in C++.
Summer job at Ericsson
I spent another summer at Ericsson with new tasks.
The program Informationsteknik
Summer job at Ericsson
I got to continue working at Ericsson during the summer.
I received a scholarship from Värmländska ingenjörsföreningen
Internship at Ericsson
I got an internship at Ericsson through Tekniksprånget. I worked mainly with Angular, but also learned a great deal about software engineering in general.
Internship at CGI
I interned as a developer at CGI, programing in mainly Java.
I recived the Ljungbergsfondens Scholarship for prospective University and College students
Technology program the 4:th year Information and Media technology
CGI Young Generation
I was a teacher in C# for children
Technology program Information and Media technology
Nyeds Skola
Elementary school. I was Secretary of the Student Council.
Birth Date
I was born in Uddevalla, 15 december 1998